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'', gender: formTestator.gender ?? undefined, birthDate: formTestator.birthDate ?? '', birthPlace: formTestator.birthPlace ?? '', street: address ? address.street ?? '' : '', houseNumber: address ? address.houseNumber ?? '' : '', zipCode: address ? address.zipCode ?? '' : '', city: address ? ?? '' : '', moreInfos: [...(isHandicapped ? ['isHandicapped'] : []), ...(isInsolvent ? ['isInsolvent'] : [])], } const onSubmit = async (values: TestatorFormPayload, href: string) => { // This functions only gets called if values have changed try { // Update marriage global state dispatch(setTestator(values)) const response = await dispatch(sendLastWillState()) Iif (response.meta.requestStatus === 'rejected') { return // TODO: Add error handling here } // Redirect to previous or next page router.push(href) } catch (error) { // TODO: This feedback should be visible for the user console.error('An error occured while submitting the form: ', error) } } // TODO: duplicated code, can we move this to layout? // Use to handle sidebar display state and progress useEffect(() => { dispatch(setProgressKeys(SidebarPages.TESTATOR)) }, [dispatch]) return ( <div className="container mt-5 flex flex-1 flex-col"> <Head> <title>Erblasser</title> </Head> <Headline hasMargin={false} className="hidden lg:block"> Erblasser </Headline> <p className="mb-4 font-medium">Persönliche Daten desjenigen, der das Testament erstellen möchte.</p> <Formik initialValues={initialFormValues} validationSchema={validationSchema} onSubmit={(values) => onSubmit(values, routes.lastWill.marriage('1'))} > {({ values, dirty }: FormikProps<TestatorFormPayload>) => ( <Form className="flex flex-1 flex-col md:mb-0"> <div className="flex w-full flex-1 flex-col"> <div className="rounded-xl border-2 border-gray-100 px-4 py-3 md:px-8 md:py-4"> {/*Personal Data*/} <Headline level={3} size="md:text-base" className=""> Persönliche Daten </Headline> <div className="2xl:w-2/3"> <div className="mb-4 grid gap-x-3 md:mb-0 md:grid-cols-2"> {/* Name */} <div className="col-span-2 mb-2 md:mb-4"> <TextInput name="name" inputRequired labelText="Vor- und Nachname" placeholder="Vor- und Nachname" autoComplete="name" /> </div> {/* Gender and Birth */} <div className="grid gap-x-3 md:grid-cols-2"> <FormDropdown name="gender" labelText="Geschlecht" placeholder="Geschlecht" hasMargin options={genderOptions} /> <FormDatepicker name="birthDate" labelText="Geburtstag" autoComplete="bday" /> </div> <TextInput name="birthPlace" labelText="Geburtsort" placeholder="Geburtsort" /> </div> {/* Adress */} <div className="grid gap-x-3 md:grid-cols-4"> <div className="mb-2 md:col-start-1 md:col-end-3 md:mb-4"> <TextInput name="street" inputRequired labelText="Straße" placeholder="Straße" autoComplete="street-address" /> </div> <div className="mb-2 md:col-start-3 md:col-end-4 md:mb-4"> <TextInput name="houseNumber" inputRequired labelText="Hausnummer" placeholder="Hausnummer" /> </div> <div className="mb-2 md:col-start-1 md:col-end-2 md:mb-4"> <TextInput name="zipCode" inputRequired labelText="Postleitzahl" placeholder="Postleitzahl" autoComplete="postal-code" /> </div> <div className="md:col-start-2 md:col-end-4"> <TextInput name="city" inputRequired labelText="Stadt" placeholder="Stadt" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> {/* More Infos */} <div className="mt-5 rounded-xl border-2 border-gray-100 px-4 py-3 md:mt-8 md:px-8 md:py-6"> <Checkbox name="moreInfos" labelText="Weitere relevante Infos" inputRequired options={testatorMoreInfosOptions} /> </div> {/* Personal Data end */} </div> {/* Form Steps Buttons */} <FormStepsButtons previousOnClick={() => onSubmit(values, PREVIOUS_LINK)} loading={isLoading} dirty={dirty} previousHref={PREVIOUS_LINK} nextHref={NEXT_LINK} /> </Form> )} </Formik> </div> ) } export default Testator |