All files / db/entities users.entity.ts

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import { ApiProperty, ApiPropertyOptional } from '@nestjs/swagger'
import { ModelOptions, Severity, prop } from '@typegoose/typegoose'
import { Exclude, Expose } from 'class-transformer'
import { ObjectId } from 'mongoose'
import { CheckoutInformation } from '../../payments/interfaces/payments'
 * @description Entity with all user information
@ModelOptions({ schemaOptions: { timestamps: true } })
export class User {
  _id: ObjectId
  updatedAt: Date
  @Expose({ groups: ['self'] })
  @prop({ required: true, unique: true })
    description: 'Email of the user. Only exposed to self',
    example: '[email protected]',
  email: string
  @prop({ required: true })
  password: string
  @Expose({ groups: ['self'] })
    description: 'Last login for the user. Only exposed to self',
  lastLogin: Date | null
    description: 'Creation date of user',
    example: new Date(),
  createdAt: Date
  @prop({ required: true, default: false })
    description: 'Has the users mail been verified?',
  hasVerifiedEmail: boolean
  @prop({ required: true, default: 'free' })
    description: 'Payment plan of the user',
    example: 'free',
    enum: ['free', 'single', 'family'],
  paymentPlan: string
    required: true,
    default: { status: 'free', lastInformationTime: 0 },
    allowMixed: Severity.ALLOW,
    description: 'Checkout status',
    example: { status: 'free', lastInformationTime: 0 },
  checkoutInformation: CheckoutInformation
  @prop({ required: false })
    description: 'Stripe customer id',
    example: 'cus_...',
  stripeCustomerId: string